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4 Reasons You Should Choose Memory Foam Mattress

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In 1966, NASA developed memory foam to improve the safety of aircraft cushions. In the later years, memory foam was commercially available for sports and medical equipment. In 1991, Tempur-Pedic Swedish Mattress used the material for mattresses. Thereon, memory foam ascended to become the most popular type of mattress. In this post, we will talk about memory foam benefits and whether or not the mattress type is good for you. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Here are four reasons why you should choose memory foam mattress:

  1. Pain relief– For people with spine-related problems, or any other orthopedic health issues, a memory foam mattress is the best option. Your bodyweight gets evenly distributed on the mattress, ensuing there’ are no pressure points for your neck, hips, and shoulders. It makes sure your spine is not bent in an awkward way when you’re asleep; it supports that natural position of your spine. This is one of the biggest benefits of memory foam mattress. You wake up with no strain or pain in your back or neck.
  2. Hypoallergenic– Memory foam mattresses from top brands like GetRest are hypoallergenic and highly recommended by allergists. The mattress keeps the molds, dust and other microbes that may trigger allergy symptoms away from the bed. This ensures great hygiene and freshness for your mattress. Subsequently, this positively affects your skin and respiratory system.
  3. Couple-friendly– Memory foam delivers a disturbance-free sleep thanks to its motion isolation. In case of two people sleeping together on the mattress and if one person tosses and turns consistently, the mattress will absorb the person’s motion, isolating the other person, ensuring they aren’t jostled. This is a benefit that makes memory foam mattresses one of the great choices for couples.
  4. Control temperature– Originally, memory foam failed to offer heat circulation, which resulted in people sleeping uncomfortably on it. However, today, top names like GetRest have cracked this shortcoming by adding cooling technologies into their design. At GetRest, we offer memory foam mattress with an open-cell structure that absorbs and circulates the body heat of the person lying on it, ensuring they stay cool and enjoy maximum comfort.

Now that you’re aware of memory foam benefits, let’s focus on the features of our memory foam mattress.

Memory Foam Mattress from GetRest

Designed to promote good orthopedic health, GetRest’s memory foam sleep solution adapts to your body shape as you lie on it. It cushions your posture, cuddling you in a comfortable position. While the mattress complements your body, it doesn’t make you feel stuck. It spreads your bodyweight uniformly across the surface so you don’t feel claustrophobic. It ensures you aren’t just comfortable but also well-supported. Contact us to know more about our memory foam mattress, which comes with a 10-year warranty. Check out our collection and buy your mattress today.

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